Hidden - The Void Project

Hidden, traces the journeys of Palestinians who salvage visual archive of photos and films, at times when the Israeli army forces evictions, expulsions, and air raids.

AZZA El Hassan: The Found Archive of Hani Jawherieh

The Bridge & Giants
Girl on the Bridge (1967)

Girl on the Bridge (1967)

Although probably one of Jawherieh’s most affective images of the 1967 expulsion, this photo is not well known. It is among the collection looted by the Israeli army in 1982. The photo exhibited is a still taken from a film Palestine in the Eye (1976).

In the image, a young girl is holding a piece of bread to which she is paying little attention. In the background, other children can be seen, a suggestion that the individual sentiments captured in the main portrait is repeated again and again in the other subjects.

man bridge.png

Tracing the Story of Film Reels

Found in 2017, in the attic of Jawherieh family, these three film reels, were smuggled by Hind Jawherieh, the wife of the Palestinian Film Institute cameraman, Hani Jaweherieh, to Jordan from Lebanon, following the Israeli invasion, in 1982.

Reclaiming “Glows of Memory”

Stolen in 1982, by the Israeli army and taken to TelAviv, to the Israeli Military Archive, GLOW OF MEMORIES, is a film that was made by the famous Palestinian painter Ismael Shammout, in 1972, and produced by the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) in Beirut. Yet, it turns out, the Israelis only stole one copy of the film In 1982, during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Shammout subsequently went to the PLO office and salvaged his original film. After expulsion from Lebanon, he took it to Kuwait, and from Kuwait to Jordan, in 2017. There his son, Bashar Shommout, took the film to Germany and restored it.